The design of the first pan-european multilingual eCommerce site for entertainment products. This project includes responsive design, development and integration with multiple sales channels and services such as listing, logistics, accounting, etc.
Job #5: Wedding Invitation
May 21, 2014
March 15, 2014
This is an upcoming 3D game design project based on the Surf Camp project. It includes environment design, lighting, character modelling, character rigging, animation, audio, texturing and basic game programming. There are not programmers in this individual project. There will be explored some basic game programming skills for creating a software that viewers can explore the game environment by controlling the character to walk run and maybe jump, but the main object of the project is a motion prototype that showing how the game would look, sound and behave once developed. The project will be submitted in a website form with an animation trailer and description of the game purpose, concept and mechanics. It will contain a documentation with sketches, concept art and finished artwork for demonstrating the initial game state, in progress state, failure state, success state and maybe some gameplay variation.
Game Pitch:
The game will be based on the real job of lifeguard. You will be playing Tom, who guarding the beach of a summer camp. Your mission is to avoid customers accidents by informing them to follow the rules. For instance to whistle someone who pretending dead or playing a dangerous game, to ask the customers get out from the sea before a dangerous event (weather, waves, sharks etc.). If an accident happen you have to do the right action of a real lifeguard. For example to inform the replacement lifeguard when you saving someone, to decide if you will use the Jet-ski or swim, which first aid technique you will provide for each accident etc. You will also have to use lifeguard’s tools such as binocular, walkie-talkie and beach flags. But the real job of lifeguard is not only making observations and saving lives. A lifeguard may be distracted from small accidents, customer complaints, walkie-talkie calls or even nice looking people. It is exhausting to guard the beach all day if you don’t drink and eat enough or if you don’t put enough sun creme. If you don’t care yourself you will have to deal with limitation to your consciousness during your work. The purpose of this video game is to give an understanding of the mode of working to the lifeguard learners before start their job.
Game Pitch:
The game will be based on the real job of lifeguard. You will be playing Tom, who guarding the beach of a summer camp. Your mission is to avoid customers accidents by informing them to follow the rules. For instance to whistle someone who pretending dead or playing a dangerous game, to ask the customers get out from the sea before a dangerous event (weather, waves, sharks etc.). If an accident happen you have to do the right action of a real lifeguard. For example to inform the replacement lifeguard when you saving someone, to decide if you will use the Jet-ski or swim, which first aid technique you will provide for each accident etc. You will also have to use lifeguard’s tools such as binocular, walkie-talkie and beach flags. But the real job of lifeguard is not only making observations and saving lives. A lifeguard may be distracted from small accidents, customer complaints, walkie-talkie calls or even nice looking people. It is exhausting to guard the beach all day if you don’t drink and eat enough or if you don’t put enough sun creme. If you don’t care yourself you will have to deal with limitation to your consciousness during your work. The purpose of this video game is to give an understanding of the mode of working to the lifeguard learners before start their job.
This is a 3D environment design project includes textured terrain, several structures, character, camera animation and a report with the basic stages of development, reached results and workbook pages.
Software: Final Cut Pro X, Maya
Modules: 3D Computer Modelling and Animation, GamePlay
Video Game Proposal
December 09, 2013
This is a short interactive film that uses the Database Cinema technique of Lev Manovich. A group of teenage hikers are walking by a river when a grizzly bear surprises them and attacks. Your mission is to keep Gachy alive by choosing the correct option from the interactive panel while the story unfolds. For the best possible control set the video quality to HD 720p or 240p. Try to click your option at the last time in order to watch the whole scene of the film.
Software: Final Cut Pro X
Module: Media Cultures
Lev Manovich, His New Media Project
The purpose of this essay is to develop an idea how the two concepts of Lev Manovich, 'database cinema' and 'spatial montage', are used in his 'Soft Cinema' collection. Finally, it answers why they are appropriate effective tools for contemporary times, the age of Google and blogging. Particularly the essay begins with an introduction to Lev Manovich and some topics that does develop in his book “The Language of new Media”. Subsequently it emphases on important filmmakers Dziga Vertov and Peter Greenaway that Manovich does write about them, indicating the gravity of the his project. Then it focuses on the digital editor ‘soft cinema’ and its two concepts 'database cinema', which is a method that the narrative evolves by selecting scenes from a media collection. and 'spatial montage', the technique that software manages and place on the screen different sizes of diverse footage. Consequently it answers why those techniques are appropriate effective tools for contemporary times.
Software: Final Cut Pro X
Module: Media Cultures
Database Cinema
December 04, 2013
Game Scene
November 18, 2013
Waterland Warning Signs
Konstantinos Chatzichristofis
July 03, 2012